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A beautiful natural Shattuckite Sphere 2.  For sale with great colour.  The lovely Blue is the Shattuckite and the Green Blue is the Chrysocolla with some Red Orange Copper.  A classic, collectable specimen mined, cut and polished into a Sphere form.  This sphere comes with a low profile hematite ring stand for enhanced display.  Check out the stunning pics of this individual sphere on this page.

5.6cm diameter, 257g.

D.R. Congo, Africa.


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A beautiful natural Shattuckite Sphere 2.  For sale with great colour.  The lovely Blue is the Shattuckite and the Green Blue is the Chrysocolla with some Red Orange Copper.  A classic, collectable specimen mined, cut and polished into a Sphere form.  This sphere comes with a low profile hematite ring stand for enhanced display.  Check out the stunning pics of this individual sphere on this page.

5.6cm diameter, 257g.

D.R. Congo, Africa.

Check out more Spheres for sale here



Copper Silicate Hydroxide

Shattuckite is very minor ore of copper and used as an ornamental stone.

Shattuckite is a relatively rare copper silicate mineral. It was first discovered in the copper mines of Bisbee, Arizona, specifically the Shattuck Mine (hence the name). It is a secondary mineral that forms from the alteration of other secondary minerals. At the Shattuck Mine, it forms pseudomorphs after malachite. A pseudomorph is an atom by atom replacement of a crystal structure by another crystal structure, but with little alteration of the outward shape of the original crystal. Pseudomorph is Greek for “false shape”.

Shattuckite, like other copper minerals especially secondary copper minerals, has a very attractive colour and is used as an ornamental stone when found massive. Shattuckite’s beautiful blue colour is its best asset. It can take a good polished and makes nice cabochons, carvings or simple polished stones. Aggregates of Shattuckite are also attractive when found as spherules or sprays of deep blue acicular radial crystal clusters. Shattuckite is also found with other rare and/or attractive secondary minerals such alamosite, azurite, “bisbeeite” ( a variety of chrysocolla), luddenite, fornacite , cerussite, malachite, limonite and standard chrysocolla.

Shattuckite Elemental Properties

Colour is a unique deep blue.
Luster is dull to vitreous.
Transparency specimens are translucent to opaque.
Crystal System is orthorhombic.
Growth Habits include acicular to thin prismatic crystals often found as spherules or sprays of acicular radial crystal clusters. Other habits include massive, fibrous and compact. Also found as pseudomorphs of other secondary minerals such as malachite.
Cleavage is perfect in two directions.
Fracture is uneven.
Hardness is 3.5.
Specific Gravity is approximately 4.1 (rather heavy for a non-metallic mineral)
Streak is blue.
Class Silicates
Subclass Inosilicates

Associated Minerals are quartz, gold, limonite, azurite, malachite, alamosite, azurite, “bisbeeite” ( a variety of chrysocolla), luddenite, fornacite , cerussite, chrysocolla and other secondary copper minerals.
Notable Occurrences are limited to the Shattuck Mine (hence the name), Bisbee, Arizona, USA and a few other secondary copper deposits.
Best Field Indicators are colour, crystal habit, density, locality and associations.

Check out more Shattuckite for sale here.

Healing Properties

Shattuckite is said to encourage intuition and psychic ability.  Thus it is a great stone for mediums, seers, those who channel information or wish to develop these innate gifts.  Good for public speaking, teaching and conveying ideas.  A stone for psychic protection.  Assists with seeking the truth.

Chakra:  Throat

Weight290 g
Dimensions12 × 10 × 8 cm



A beautiful  Shattuckite Sphere 2.  For sale with great colour.  The lovely Blue is the Shattuckite and the Green Blue is the Chrysocolla with some Red Orange Copper.  A classic, collectable specimen mined, cut and polished into a Sphere form.  This sphere comes with a low profile hematite ring stand for enhanced display.  Check out the stunning pics of this individual sphere on this page.

5.6cm diameter, 257g.

D.R. Congo, Africa.

Check out more Spheres for sale here

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