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Top Gemmy Azurite Crystal Mexico 2.  This specimen is truly aesthetic showing great quality formations of Gem Crystal Azurite.  Sharp terminations featuring Tabular and Prismatic crystals with splendid vitreous faces.  All round an outstanding Top Shelf specimen.  This location has closed and this quality is becoming very hard to come by.  Mounted on a perspex display pad for enhanced display.

3cm x 2.7cm x 2cm, 16.8g (not including perspex pad).

Milpillas Mine, Nacozari, Sonora, Mexico.



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Top Gemmy Azurite Crystal Mexico 2.  This specimen is truly aesthetic showing great quality formations of Gem Crystal Azurite.  Sharp terminations featuring Tabular and Prismatic crystals with splendid vitreous faces.  All round an outstanding Top Shelf specimen.  This location has closed and this quality is becoming very hard to come by.  Mounted on a perspex display pad for enhanced display.

3cm x 2.7cm x 2cm, 16.8g (not including perspex pad).

Milpillas Mine, Nacozari, Sonora, Mexico.


Copper Carbonate Hydroxide
Hydrous Copper Carbonate


The colour is due to Copper which is a strong coloring agent.  Copper chemically combines with the carbonate groups CO3 and hydroxyls OH.  Used as a dye for paints and fabrics.  Unfortunately its colour is too deep and larger crystals can appear black.  Small crystals and crusts show the lighter azure colour well.  Often Azurite forms with Malachite.

Check out more Minerals of the World for sale here

Malachite and Azurite are closely related. Not only do they frequently occur together (pictured above), they also have very similar formulae. Malachite can also replace azurite, making a pseudomorph. Compare their formulas:

Azurite’s formula: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2

Malachite’s formula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2

The charges on the copper ions are the same for both minerals at positive two. But what causes the color change from azurite to malachite if the charge on the copper remains the same.  Notice the different amounts of CuCO3 in the two formulas. The azurite seems to have an extra CuCO3.

Cu(OH)2-2(CuCO3) + Cu(OH)2 —-> 2{Cu(OH)2-CuCO3}

Since the Cu(OH)2 is more oxidized than the CuCO3, the malachite is therefore more oxidized than azurite. This means that malachite represents a later stage of oxidation and the increased oxidation is what causes the color change. Formula for conversion adds a water molecule to two Azurite molecules and omits a carbon dioxide molecule.

2{Cu(OH)2-2(CuCO3)} + H2O ———> 3{Cu(OH)2-CuCO3} + CO2

Know Azurite

The oxidation is persistent and actually ongoing, although very slow. Azurite paints made centuries ago have undergone the transformation of beautiful blue skies now have a most unusual green hue! Thankfully for mineralogists and collectors, this transformation is one of the most aesthetically pleasing in the mineral kingdom. There really is no comparison to any other mineral to mineral transformation in terms of overall beauty.

It is also an unimportant ore of copper, although its significance has been more impressive in the past.  Fine crystal clusters, nodular specimens, and interesting and beautiful combinations with malachite are important pieces in anyone’s mineral collection. The magnificent color of Azurite is worth mentioning again as it truly is a one-of-a-kind in the mineral world. Azurite is one of those classic minerals.

Azurite forms at a lower temperatures than Malachite, which often replaces it pseudomorphically through hydration.  A secondary Copper mineral in Sulfide deposits associated with Carbonate rocks.  Also found in Sandstones as an impregnation caused by carbonatic water coming into comtact with water rich in copper sulfates.


Transparency Transparent if in thin crystals, otherwise translucent to opaque.
Crystal System Monoclinic; 2/m.
Crystal Habits Crystals have irregular blades with wedge shaped terminations. Also, aggregate crusts and radiating, botryoidal, nodular and earthy masses.
Cleavage is good in one direction and fair in another.
Fracture is conchoidal and brittle.
Hardness is 3.5-4.
Specific Gravity is 3.7+ (heavier than average).
Streak is blue.

Associated Minerals are numerous and include malachite limonite, calcite, cerussite, quartz.  Also chalcopyrite, native copper, cuprite, chrysocolla, aurichalcite, shattuckite, liroconite, connellite and other oxidized copper minerals.

Notable Occurrences include numerous localities worldwide, but special localities produce some outstanding specimens especially from Lasal, Utah; Bisbee, Arizona and New Mexico, USA; Mexico; Tsumeb, Nambia; Shaba, Congo; Toussit, Morocco; Australia and in many locations in Europe.
Best Field Indicators are color, softness, crystal habits and associations.

Check out more Azurite for sale here

Weight120 g
Dimensions12 × 10 × 8 cm

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